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Saturday, March 28, 2009

i'm getting married in the morning...

and before you go all weird and all strange on me...the title doesn't apply to me. once was enough. seriously. but my baby bro (a whole two years younger) went and did it again. and you know what? if I was ever to do it again...and believe me I never will ...what he did is actually a good way to go. his new missus is very practical I think. plus, bonus, i like her, the whole shebang lasted 10 minutes, and even then they stretched it out cos they felt a bit guilty. the legal I marry you stuff takes 2 minutes. now that's my kind of wedding.
PS. he was divorced for two whole can he sow his wild oats in that time...still you never know what you never know. we have a lot of commonalities and also a lot of differences. and I may extrapolate on that in a later post. if I can remember. and if I can solve my hindi problem...your help please.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i am an illegal alien

loose song connection here but i had a really weird day and i will explain the reference forthwith. my class is really challenging and we are disrupting their programme by having what we call 'festival week'. we have lots of fun activities which should really disrupt their status quo. well yesterday it did...they were appalling. but today it was like they had all been abducted by aliens and swapped with nice, compliant, thinking beings. i had a fantastic day. it was the old ones are back tomorrow.

my boss loves memos. everytime we are naughty we get a memo about it. today's was about people being outside after 2.30pm. this is a no-no. you must be in your classrooms. no exceptions.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

what's the haps bro?

not much...except my blog appears in hindi and i have no idea how to fix it...any ideas?...cos it's bloody annoying
and speaking of hindi...i'm reading Q & A...up to chapter's hard to read any quicker when you only read during the sermon on a sunday

Friday, March 13, 2009

one black friday

yay! i found a song title to go with today's entry...however, that doesn't mean today's entry is gonna be that exciting...not sure what you're gonna see when i upload this but there's some crazy shit going on. there's some hindi characters going on...
so..the's a mockers song...andrew fagan who was the lead singer does a regular radio slot with his wife karen hay who was the radio with pictures chick in the 80s. i listen quite regularly...they're pretty good. but i digress...again...i have a more mundane question for all you mathematicians out there (and you know who you are) often does a black friday happen in feb and march...and should i buy a lottery ticket?
i'm gonna upload this now...sans editing cos half of it is in hindi...goodness knows what will appear...wish me luck... case you're wondering...i've had to edit several times now to get it looking like as you see it...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i hate text speak

i really tried to think of a song title to fit this blog cos that was kinda my loose theme for the last few entries. i still might find one yet.

i have enlightened you to one of my pet peeves (people out of rhythm at the gym) and now i'm gonna share another. the clue to it is in the title.

yes...i hate text speak. especially when your text isn't even near to the limit and you're not trying to conserve letters. please spell correctly.

and on another subject. i went over the new road they're building. the dowse interchange (i could be all fancy and put a link here...but if you're interested and motivated you'll do the research yourself). i was very underwhelmed by it all. even my engineer friend, who for him a big new road like that is like porn, was underwhelmed. in his quietly conservative way he said that they were perhaps a week premature in opening it. but it sure was interesting to see how they spent millions of my dollars. i'm guessing when it's finished it'll be worth it.

a bientot

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

oh terry...

yeah..i know...the real title is oh sherrie...but his name is terry.

and before you get excited he is the instructor at the gym for the tuesday night combat class. last night's was tough.

there were 70 in the class. i had newbies in front of me and i was worried that one of them would kick me in the face. but it's all good...still pretty...he is really laid back but you just wanna work hard for him (he's hot you see) i worked hard and as a consequence every time i rolled over in bed last night i got cramp in my instep...i hate it there...