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Monday, August 30, 2010

i like my students

i think they may actually understand me and some weird shit i do.

here is my evidence. they loved the original 'under the mountain' and i doubted they would. they watched it and enjoyed it and picked up some of the culture. and are now making some connections.

today we watched some billy t james and fred dagg stuff on youtube (cos i very carefully left the dvds i'd borrowed off my dad at home). one of my boys was putting in requests. he's seen all the billy t stuff and loved it and was asking for it. we're studying nz and nz icons. i told the boss we were looking at fred dagg and billy t today. she said i hope you're looking at more than the humour. well to you...of course...cos i know how to baffle you on that stuff...but really, just the entertainment value with a bit of social commentary for added value.

i'm sure they didn't get the same out of it that i did, having lived through that nz era. i will be asking them whether they liked it and what they like and 'get' about it. that comedy is simple and subtle and does not employ any foul language. i hope they recognise and appreciate that.

and on a side note. i've had a kid dumped on me that has been kicked out of two other classes. someone told me to put him to the side and forget about him (but i expect no more from this dinosaur). another refuses to believe that he can change and be 'normal'. he may prove them right in the end but i'm prepared to give him a chance and have seen changes. what is really scary is the two that doubt him are in positions of power. now i know that they've had to deal with his bad behaviour and are probably a bit sick of him. what irks is one writes most of the naughty brown students off (and blames their families for it and will not try to find out why or empathise) and the other knows all the stuff (having nearly completed a masters in leadership) and doesn't practise it...grrr...

1 comment:

Off-Black said...

the original under the mountain was a key influence in how I relate to Auckland, amongst other things.