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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

i'm with michael laws...

...despite him having one of the worse cases of small man's disease i've ever seen.

there must be a reason why the penguin left its natural habitat. do we really have the right to lock it in a 'cell' and be all voyeuristic about watching it? i know it's interesting (for about 10 minutes). all it does is preen, nod its head, shake its flippers, stand and make brown stuff come out of itself. i know it's a bit anthropomorphic of me but i think we should just leave it alone cos i think it's not nice to lock it up.

(sits back and waits for the indignant replies).


1 comment:

Off-Black said...

It's very anthropomorphic :) Does the penguin even know it is in a cell beyond being at a comfortable temperature and not having to go look for food?
It could be argued that leaving it to die would not be intefering in a natural process, but it is so far from it's natural environment anyway that 'natural process' may be an academic point only. Remember that part of the rationale for removing it to a secure location was to protect it against thouroughly non natural interference from passer-by and their pets.