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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

my team lost

and i don't mean the national cricket side (aka the slack craps) or the sevens team or the fast ferns (that's the 20/20 version of netball i think but i haven't managed to keep up with that...i'm hoping my netball fiend blogger friend will update me on that).

RIP (fuck off) goff. you did the best you could in the face of a smarmy slimy git who could work a crowd and a land full of ignorant morons and 'tards (apart from the intelligent 24% of you). i remember protesting against you in the early 90s...and i mean early, 1990. that was when you had the requisite 'stache and those big ass wire frames that were de rigeur at the time. you made the best of what you had. i forgave you so you must have done something ok.

i suggested, rather rashly in hindsight, that my friends and i stage a ritual burning of all things blue. but then i realised i'd have to burn my car. i quite like my car. it's a faux holden which i like and holden is red so i think my car is not in fact blue as it appears but red (and that's the truth).

so, in conclusion, thanks to all you morons and 'tards who have made it really hard for me to do my job, the one job i have wanted to do since i was 5. i seriously hope that the information i have been given is wrong. it hasn't ever been in the past but maybe this one time it may be.


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