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Friday, December 30, 2011

i love messing with the heads of stupid people

apologies to the genuinely stupid people out there...i'm sure it's not completely your fault

last night in my sleep i wrote a deeply profound blog entry. it was amazing (i'm sure). i think it was about the stupid person who came to my door the other day. she was from mercury energy. every now and then they cold call to get new business. she started the spiel...we're in your area to check you're on the best deal yada yada yada. she then asked me 'do you know which energy company you're with?' to which i replied 'yes i do know which energy company i'm with.' she looked a bit puzzled and stated a bit more of the spiel. then she asked me again 'do you know which energy company you're with?' to which i replied, again, 'yes i do know which energy company i'm with.' she kind of giggled nervously. i then decided to put her out of her misery/stupidity and said i was perfectly happy with my energy company thanks. i think she thought i was reluctant to tell her but really she was asking the wrong question. the script writer didn't do a very good job.

silly girl.


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