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Sunday, November 11, 2007

took me long enough

so, it took me sooooooooooooo many attempts to log in. Not sure if that's cos I'm thick or NZ is just slow cos it's sunday.

Not much excitement here in the warren. Two weeks til camp. 70 12-13 year olds. Fun!(?) Not sure yet. I have been on Camp before but I've never been the One In Charge. There will be 10 other adults so adult company isn't a problem. I hope the kids are too busy and tired to get up to mischief. I also hope that no one pukes on the bus. Vomit makes my stomach go out in sympathy! Still have their reports to write too. They better be nice to me that's all I can say.

So to my other favourite topic. Sport. (1) The Kiwis. I'm not a League fan, but NZ sucks! Get some spine and some passion boys! (2) The Black Caps. A few years ago, some people decided in their infinite wisdom to call our cricket team this. We are dire. We suck so bad, to the max. I remember the 80s when we ruled. No stupid nick names then. Just called the New Zealand Cricket team. We were awesome. Let's ditch the stupid name. (3) The All Blacks. They are in disgrace until the Rugby season. Then I will forgive them and support them again. I always do. (4) Netball. Go the Silver Ferns!

So that's me for now. Hope someone reads this. I live in hope. I read an article today that said be patient. In these days of instant gratification I find this a challenge. To quote Blackadder the 2nd Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

(PS How sad is that!?!)

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