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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

things that make me go grrrr

apart from text speak, are the mispronounciation of words (and please note, all mispronounciations have been deliberately spelled phonetically)

asept (and its relative-aseptible) and if you can tell me what a sept is then more power to you!,

clision (as heard on three news yesterday),


appreeseeate (that neighbours favourite),




(new edited entry...) harrissment

and the latest i heard on an advertisement (which is possibly why I don’t watch them) gl**ware (i don’t want to slip into product placement here) apparently has a texted surface.

this list is by no means exhaustive. feel free to add your own words.

p.s. sheldon rocks!


Anonymous said...

I think you meant pronunciation...not pronounciation...but you are from the Hutt.

add: prehaps, libree...don't worry...more will follow

missrabbitty said...

the deliberate misspelling of mispronounciation was the first in my list of mispronounced words...thanks for your concern though! and thanks for your additions.