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Friday, January 1, 2010

this just to hand...

(image is of news reader with furrowed brow, finger firmly in ear as he delivers very important news, yes, i know, sexist, but the mispronounciation was by a man). on three news a new country was invented. its name is finn-land. the founders of finn-land are a little bit strange. they all have musical talent. the elder statesmen of finn-land dress in strange attire and have friends who play the spoons. the most prominent member of the next generation of finn-landians has a strangely irish name and a beard like a rhododendron bush that you could lose a badger in. he also has a brother called elroy. more later…

happy new year (but not new decade, that is next year)!

p.s…spot the homage.


Boy said...

Um, Tim and Neil? Ray Charles could spot that one!!!!

Anonymous said...

the homage is to Jean Sibelius - Finlandia

missrabbitty said...

um...nope...try again...

missrabbitty said...

...both of is too subtle and the other is not subtle enough