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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

arsonists are shit

there was a story on the news today about a congregation in the south island whose church was burned. it still stands but there was a lot of damage. their organ was destroyed. now i'm not a huge fan of organ music but a church organ is a magnificent instrument and i am in awe of those who play them. the co-ordination required is way beyond my simple skills. and i can empathise since my church's organ was destroyed by a fire too. it wasn't the fire that ruined it, but the thousands of litres of water that the sprinkler system dumped on it in order to save the building. for which we are grateful.

actually. the fire was a blessing in disguise because in the 70s a reconstruction occurred which we didn't like. we can now restore the organ to its nearly original condition.

and another thing. another reason why arsonists are shit is because they also burn down schools. i know arson is about power but it's shit to burn down things that mean so much to communities. but i guess it's why they do it.

stay tuned. our organ will rock (pun intended). and good luck to st paul's trinity for tracking down the bastard.

i was also going to visit rangiatea but the week before some idiot set fire to it. i know it's been re-built but it's just not the same. i must make sure i go there.

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